Wholesale and Retail – Why Wholesalers and Retailers Should Establish Great Relationships


Retailers need wholesalers, and wholesalers need retailers. Without the other, the cycle of businesses would be dead. But does the reason why they need each other end at that? There are more reasons why they should establish a great working relationship together.

Wholesalers benefit from retailers because they serve as their advertisement. If a retailer is happy with his wholesaler, he has a high chance of telling his friends about it; thus, word-of-mouth advertising. Wholesalers then get to have more customers and more sales, earning them better reputation, quality and more profit.

Without retailers, wholesalers would just have their stocks inside their warehouses, untouched. They would not be able to get back their expenses if they would not sell their merchandise to retailers, and they would not get any profit. Moreover, money would just be stuck in one place – and their business might end up in bankruptcy.

Retailers benefit from wholesalers because they are the ones who give them something to sell. If a wholesaler is happy with his retailer, he might give them more discounts and benefits, and give them better deals so they can both thrive in their own businesses. A happy wholesaler can give a retailer lower prices, better deals and a lot of freebies – and these things mean more profit for the retailers.

Without wholesalers, retailers would be stuck as to where they would source their products. Of course, they can buy from other retailers but the price won’t be the same, thereby they need to raise their prices too – and customers would not like that.

At the end of the day, we cannot deny the fact that these wholesalers and retailers need each other however you look at it. They can both help each thrive and develop their businesses.


This is what wholesale directories do – to establish good connections between wholesalers and retailers. They bring together retailers and wholesalers, and even create a community out of them from which they can ask other wholesalers and retailers about their businesses, and which are the best deals. From this great relationship, both of them would be able to have more profit, and be successful in their own businesses.

Author :

As Seen on BBC News, FORBES and CNN Money

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